Sick Leave
Conversion calculator
FERS Sick Leave Calculator
FERS Sick Leave Retirement – Unused Sick Leave Will Increase FERS Pension for Life
All unused sick leave is converted into months & days of service using the 2087 Chart.
- The converted time is added to your total creditable service time to compute the FERS pension
- Blocks of 30 days will count as an additional month of service
- Days that do not round up to 30 days will become use-or-lose
Sick leave only adds to service time and will not count toward eligibility (does not help you retire earlier). See the example below of how to add converted sick leave to your total creditable service time.
FERS Sick Leave Conversion Chart
Months | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Days | ||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 174 | 348 | 522 | 696 | 870 | 1044 | 1217 | 1391 | 1565 | 1739 | 1913 |
1 | 6 | 180 | 354 | 528 | 702 | 875 | 1049 | 1223 | 1397 | 1571 | 1745 | 1919 |
2 | 12 | 186 | 360 | 533 | 707 | 881 | 1055 | 1229 | 1403 | 1577 | 1751 | 1925 |
3 | 17 | 191 | 365 | 539 | 713 | 887 | 1061 | 1235 | 1409 | 1583 | 1757 | 1931 |
4 | 23 | 197 | 371 | 545 | 719 | 893 | 1067 | 1241 | 1415 | 1589 | 1762 | 1936 |
5 | 29 | 203 | 377 | 551 | 725 | 899 | 1073 | 1246 | 1420 | 1594 | 1768 | 1942 |
6 | 35 | 209 | 383 | 557 | 731 | 904 | 1078 | 1252 | 1426 | 1600 | 1774 | 1948 |
7 | 41 | 215 | 388 | 562 | 736 | 910 | 1084 | 1258 | 1432 | 1606 | 1780 | 1954 |
8 | 46 | 220 | 394 | 568 | 742 | 916 | 1090 | 1264 | 1438 | 1612 | 1786 | 1960 |
9 | 52 | 226 | 400 | 574 | 748 | 922 | 1096 | 1270 | 1444 | 1618 | 1791 | 1965 |
10 | 58 | 232 | 406 | 580 | 754 | 928 | 1102 | 1275 | 1449 | 1623 | 1797 | 1971 |
11 | 64 | 238 | 412 | 586 | 760 | 933 | 1107 | 1281 | 1455 | 1629 | 1803 | 1977 |
12 | 70 | 244 | 417 | 591 | 765 | 939 | 1113 | 1287 | 1461 | 1635 | 1809 | 1983 |
13 | 75 | 249 | 423 | 597 | 771 | 945 | 1119 | 1293 | 1467 | 1641 | 1815 | 1989 |
14 | 81 | 255 | 429 | 603 | 777 | 951 | 1125 | 1299 | 1473 | 1646 | 1820 | 1994 |
15 | 87 | 261 | 435 | 609 | 783 | 957 | 1131 | 1304 | 1478 | 1652 | 1826 | 2000 |
16 | 93 | 267 | 441 | 615 | 789 | 962 | 1136 | 1310 | 1484 | 1658 | 1832 | 2006 |
17 | 99 | 273 | 446 | 620 | 794 | 968 | 1142 | 1316 | 1490 | 1664 | 1838 | 2012 |
18 | 104 | 278 | 452 | 626 | 800 | 974 | 1148 | 1322 | 1496 | 1670 | 1844 | 2018 |
19 | 110 | 284 | 458 | 632 | 806 | 980 | 1154 | 1328 | 1502 | 1675 | 1849 | 2023 |
20 | 116 | 290 | 464 | 638 | 812 | 986 | 1160 | 1333 | 1507 | 1681 | 1855 | 2029 |
21 | 122 | 296 | 470 | 644 | 817 | 991 | 1165 | 1339 | 1513 | 1687 | 1861 | 2035 |
22 | 128 | 302 | 475 | 649 | 823 | 997 | 1171 | 1345 | 1519 | 1693 | 1867 | 2041 |
23 | 133 | 307 | 481 | 655 | 829 | 1003 | 1177 | 1351 | 1525 | 1699 | 1873 | 2047 |
24 | 139 | 313 | 487 | 661 | 835 | 1009 | 1183 | 1357 | 1531 | 1704 | 1878 | 2052 |
25 | 146 | 319 | 493 | 667 | 841 | 1015 | 1189 | 1362 | 1536 | 1710 | 1884 | 2058 |
26 | 151 | 325 | 499 | 673 | 846 | 1020 | 1194 | 1368 | 1542 | 1716 | 1890 | 2064 |
27 | 157 | 331 | 504 | 678 | 852 | 1026 | 1200 | 1374 | 1548 | 1722 | 1896 | 2070 |
28 | 162 | 336 | 510 | 684 | 858 | 1032 | 1206 | 1380 | 1554 | 1728 | 1902 | 2075 |
29 | 168 | 342 | 516 | 690 | 864 | 1038 | 1212 | 1386 | 1560 | 1733 | 1907 | 2081 |
Example of FERS Sick Leave Conversion
In the example below, there are 6 months and 27 days of unused sick leave. An important note, the sick leave is added to the creditable service time to then round out at 30 days. Any days left over the 30 days is lost. In this example, 9 days of sick leave is forfeited and does not add to the pension.

Calculating creditable service with civilian time, military time, and unused sick leave.
Why Reviewing Sick Leave Makes Sense
Are you a FERS federal employee wondering about your federal sick leave at retirement and how those accumulated sick leave hours translate into valuable time added to your federal pension? Our FERS sick leave conversion calculator makes it easy to understand. By referencing the FERS sick leave chart, you can see how your unused sick leave converts into months and even years of service, boosting your FERS retirement benefits. Whether you’re using a FERS sick leave conversion chart or our handy calculator, this simple step could significantly impact your FERS retirement and sick leave planning. Don’t miss out on maximizing your FERS pension potential!
Understanding federal sick leave at retirement and how your sick leave can enhance your federal pension is crucial for maximizing your retirement benefits. Our FERS Sick Leave Conversion Chart simplifies this process, illustrating how unused sick leave can be converted into additional service time. By using our FERS sick leave calculator, you can easily see the impact of your accumulated sick leave on your retirement annuity. This tool helps you make informed decisions about your FERS retirement and sick leave, ensuring you maximize the value of your benefits. Explore how FERS and sick leave interact to boost your retirement security with our comprehensive resources and detailed charts.
Federal Sick Leave Retirement - FERS Webinars
Sign up today for our FERS webinar here. Federal retirement webinars designed to cover every benefit in only 3 hours. The FERS workshop covers: FERS pension, survivor benefit, Social Security, Special Retirement Supplement (SRS), Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB), federal sick leave retirement, and Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP). Interested in having PlanWell host a federal retirement seminar for your agency? Reach out, and we can coordinate with your agency’s HR to have an on-site federal retirement seminar. PlanWell can do a FERS seminar or CSRS seminar.
Financial Planner for Federal Employees Near Me
Need to understand your federal sick leave at retirement? Secure your financial future with the expertise of a Financial Advisor for government employees near you. Choose PlanWell Financial Planning and benefit from our experienced federal retirement planning specialists. Choose a Financial Advisor for federal employees. Contact us today to embark on your journey toward a secure and prosperous future.
Chartered Federal Employee Benefits Consultant Near Me
Plan your federal retirement with the expertise of a Chartered Federal Employee Benefits Consultant near you. Choose PlanWell Financial Planning to sit with a Financial Planner for federal employees and benefit from our experienced ChFEBC team. Contact us today to receive your personalized FERS estimate.