Federal Employees Info

Rules to Move Money Into Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
Rolling Over Money Into TSP Let’s dive into the process of transferring funds into the Thrift Savings Plan and identify the accounts eligible for consolidation.

OPM Retirement Processing Time Update – March 2024
Federal Retirement Backlog Update – March 2024 OPM received 7,943 retirement claims in March 2024, down slightly from 8,794 in February. They were able to

FEGLI Basic Life Insurance: Biggest Missed Retirement Benefit for Federal Retirees
FEGLI Basic Life Insurance: Biggest Missed Retirement Benefit for Federal Retirees Federal Employee Group Life Insurance coverage (FEGLI) is a unique and misunderstood retirement benefit

Comparing Mutual Fund and ETF: Which is Better?
ETFs vs. Mutual Funds: Navigating Your Investment Choices In the vast options of investment, two tools have emerged as popular choices for investors: Mutual Funds

Understanding the Pros and Cons of Taking a TSP Loan from Thrift Savings Plan
The Pros and Cons of Taking a TSP Loan for Federal Employees One advantage of the TSP or 410k plan over an IRA is the

FERS Retirement Quick Guide – What to Expect Post-Application
FERS Retirement Quick Guide – What to Expect Post-Application Retiring from federal service can be a complex process, but with the right knowledge and preparation,